Catherine Burns supports childbearing women and newborns as a somatic bodyworker, doula, lactation counselor and parent educator. In her MamaBebe practice she helps families prenatally, during birth, for breastfeeding, and in recovery from birth.

As a Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner Catherine offers alignment support through hands-on and movement therapies. She combines Spinning Babies® Aware bodywork techniques with years of practice as a somatic movement therapist in offering craniosacral therapy and myofascial toning release, as well as mindfulness in guided movement. In somatic bodywork sessions pregnant women/persons can come into deep relationship with their inner world and make new connections with baby.

In Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Classes Catherine teaches the essential movements that enable a woman/childbearing person prepare for birth and to move through birth well. Partners/dads learn how to help relieve discomfort in pregnancy and to open space in the pelvis at birth for baby to come through.

For most women Spinning Babies® activities can resolve prenatal discomforts and imbalanced alignment that could lead to a difficult birth. Some pregnant women, who still feel persistent discomfort or if baby is in a difficult position, will need Spinning Babies® Aware bodywork.

Families can face the intensity and uncertainty of birth with greater confidence, knowing that they have made their best efforts with Spinning Babies® activities learned in the parent class and have received the best care for mother/birthing person and baby with Spinning Babies® Aware bodywork to increase the ease of birth.

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.