Erin Ronder Neves

Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator (SpBCPE), Birth & Postpartum Doula CD(DONA), CLC, BCCE, RYT-200

I am committed to helping new families find their true north on this life-changing journey. I strive to validate and fulfill a family’s birth preferences through evidence based education, access to quality perinatal care, and personal empowerment. I let my intuition, expansive knowledge, and instinct guide my hands-on support style, and help create a nurturing environment that fosters confidence, self-advocacy, and love. I aspire to give birthing individuals and families the space to be themselves to create deep connections during this beautiful, miraculous and vulnerable time. My interest in pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum began with my own journey into parenthood in 2013. I decided to become a doula after the birth of my second daughter in 2016. Those experiences are what ignited my passion for supporting families from conception through the first year. For thousands of years, across all cultures and colors, birthing people have been surrounded by others throughout perinatal period. Our society today does not promote this communal support network that taught our ancestors how to stay comfortable in pregnancy, how to birth or breastfeed, and most importantly, heal afterwards. I seek to empower families through the steep learning curve of becoming a larger family so that they can reconnect with their instincts, and know they are not alone on this unpredictable journey.


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