Nancy Swan

Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner, Massage Therapist

Nancy has been a certified massage therapist CMT for nearly 30 years. She holds credentials Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner, Advanced Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Chi Nei Tsang, Thai Massage, Acupressure, Pregnancy massage, Watsu, Swedish and Deep Tissue massage. She has studied and worked in Whitefish & Missoula MT., Chang Mai Thailand, San Francisco, Berkeley, & Los Angeles CA. And Denver CO. All of this experience has combined with the warm water, aquatic bodywork in Watsu.

Nancy first saw these benefits as she floated her youngest daughter during her daughter’s 2nd and 3rd pregnancies. The gentle stretching traction and swaying, rocking, soft spiral twists were effortless in water. The weightlessness while floating relieved neck, chest, belly, back, leg and foot strain like no other land treatments that gravity affects. Stress reduction is a welcome out come with this soothing technique. This unique form of bodywork is becoming more widespread and is now available to blossoming mothers who prefer a Spinning Babies® approach for prenatal care and birth.

Montana, US

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