Zoey Anderson

Massage Therapist, Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner (SpBAP), Dynamic Body Balancing Facilitator, Reiki Practitioner

Zoey is a doula, turned massage therapist, thanks to Spinning Babies®. Her practice is focused on supporting preconception, prenatal and postpartum clients. She incorporates Spinning Babies®, Dynamic Body Balancing, Reiki, and MSTR scar tissue release where needed, and draws on a broad range of massage techniques to help people find balance in and out of pregnancy.

Her clients report better, longer sleep, reduction or elimination of pain, feeling more grounded, reduced stress, improved fetal position and a stronger emotional connection to their pregnancies.

Zoey has an ADA accessable office in West Alameda, 5 minutes from downtown Oakland. She is also does home visits for postpartum clients in the East Bay.


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