BOGO 50% Off Birth Practices I & II


🚨 BOGO! For a limited time buy Birth Practices I and get our new course Birth Practices II for 50% OFF!

Here are just a few things you can expect when you get Birth Practices I & II:

➡️ Techniques that decrease hospital transfer rates for labor arrest, posterior position, and arrest of descent.

➡️ A deeper understanding of the effects of an epidural on mobility during labor.

➡️ Instruction on how to adjust The Three Balances℠ and Pelvic Levels Solutions℠ when there is reduced or altered mobility.

➡️ An in-depth look at the role of round ligaments and abnormal and normal sacral movement.

The science of birth is addressed in a responsive, respectful, individualized manner that focuses on “being with” the body, rather than “doing to.”

⬇️ Click the link below to take advantage of this offer!


About Birth Practices I:

Birth Practices is a collection of popular sessions from the Spinning Babies® 2020 Virtual World Confluence.  Join creator Gail Tully and Approved Trainers Nikki Zerfas, Rachel Shapiro, and Tammy Ryan in technique finesse and safety, use with epidurals and positioning, and reducing the transport rate to higher level medical services by avoiding certain labor dystocia in out-of-hospital birth. When you finish the course, Gail Tully’s, Beyond the Bony Pelvis will unlock for you to review basic birth anatomy with Gail’s simple props. This course contains content from the Spinning Babies® 2020 Virtual World Confluence.

In the first session, Gail Tully, Tammy Ryan, and Nikki Zerfas demonstrate and discuss three favorite body balance techniques. Nurse Nikki Zerfas gives a practical presentation on the inlet opening position “Flying Cowgirl,” followed by Gail’s playful presentation of opening the outlet with an internal rotation of the femurs.

Our second session is from Labor & Delivery Nurse Nikki Zerfas’ extensive use of Spinning Babies® in a busy hospital setting. Nikki Zerfas, RN, discusses possible impact of epidural use on the supportive care in labor and how providers can use the Spinning Babies® approach when the birth giver is under Epidural anesthesia. It’s important that professionals know the precautions and common concerns when introducing Spinning Babies® in their birth settings.

Our third one-hour session focuses on how to decrease transfer rates to the hospital in labor for home birth and birth center practices. Rachel Shapiro, CNM, CPM, shares her extensive midwifery experience in home and birth centers using Spinning Babies®, approach. Here you find techniques to decrease the time of ruptured membranes without contractions (PROM), reduce the length of prodromal labor, and overcome an arrest of labor in the first stage.

Enjoy a bonus session from SIAPARTO 2020, in which Gail Tully describes the soft tissue pelvis with her homemade props and simple but eloquent style. Originally made for a Brazilian audience, this video is a rich addition to explain many of the body structures that influence comfort or pain, fetal positioning, and other important topics of childbirth and being in our bodies. This is great video to watch for more inside knowledge as to why Spinning Babies® recommended techniques work so well.

Continuing Education:

This course provides four (4) continuing education contact hours with American Nurse Credentialing Center. Spinning Babies® is accredited as a provider of continuing education by ANCC.

Course Outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate how to begin and end a gentle vibration of the thigh and buttocks.
  2. Identify the safety position to prevent a fall while going into and out from a Forward-leaning Inversion.
  3. Prioritize the hip hold on a Side-lying Release to reduce pelvic muscle tension.
  4. Identify implications of epidural pain management on mobility in labor as related to the Spinning Babies® approach.
  5. Describe adjustments to The Balances℠ and Pelvic Level Solutions℠ when there is reduced or altered mobility.
  6. Discuss suggested precautions with the Spinning Babies® approach when mobility and sensation are altered or reduced.
  7. Identify techniques that can decrease hospital transfer rates by limiting time of ruptured membranes without contractions (PROM).
  8. Identify techniques that can decrease hospital transfer rates by decreasing the length and occurrence of prodromal labors and persistent posterior presentation (especially in a primip).
  9. Identify techniques that can decrease hospital transfer rates by decreasing the incidence of arrest of labor in the first stage.
  10. Identify techniques that can decrease hospital transfer rates by decreasing arrest of descent in the second stage.

About Birth Practices II:

Birth Practices II is a collection of five popular sessions from the Spinning Babies® 2022 Virtual World Confluence.  It’s ideal for birth professionals (RNs, doulas, midwives, and other birth workers) with lively and in-depth education.

This course includes 5 recorded sessions that cover:

  • How to incorporate a biodynamics approach in birth
  • Learning about the round ligaments
  • Learning about the sacrum
  • How to visually assess labor progress
  • Discusses the use of the Jiggle and Forward-leaning Inversion

In the first recorded session, “Biodynamic Birth” midwife Claire Eccleston explores how a biodynamic approach for birth aligns with Spinning Babies®principles. Looking at bodies and birth through the lens of biointelligence/ biotensegrity rather than biomechanics invites the body to respond accordingly. Claire is a mother, grandmother, an experienced registered midwife, a Spinning Babies® Approved Trainer, a biodynamic craniosacral therapist, and a STREAM practitioner working with pelvic/ birth scar tissue. Claire has been supporting women’s transitions since 2000– attending births, offering childbirth education, pregnancy yoga, and providing bodywork sessions.

You have explored the importance of the round ligaments in Spinning Babies® workshops, but in the “Role of the Round Ligaments” with midwife Rachel Shapiro, you are invited to take a deeper look inside of these ligaments and how they grow and change in pregnancy and birth. Revisit the symptoms a pregnant person feels when the round ligaments stretch out of balance as the baby grows.  Re-examine the role these ligaments play in breech fetal positions.  Explore the internal structure of the ligaments and see images of them from inside and out as they grow and change orientation in pregnancy.  Consider the role these ligaments play in birth, when in balance and when physiological balance is not restored.  By deeply understanding these ligaments, we can better restore physiology for comfort in pregnancy and ease in birth (SM). Rachel is a certified nurse midwife, Spinning Babies® Approved Trainer and director and owner of Equilibrio: Birth and Bodywork (focusing on internal pelvic balance as well as bodywork in the childbearing year). Rachel is currently working on medical illustrations of the uterus and pelvic soft tissues in pregnancy and birth with Mechanisms of Balance®. She is also leading a 3 year research project on how soft tissue balance can improve birth outcomes using the Spinning Babies® approach. She is a co-creator and teacher of the advanced Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner workshop. 

In the third session, join Dr. Hosaka in “The Sacrum in Labor” which explores the dynamic changes of the sacroiliac joints during the process of labor, including normal motion as well as aberrant joint function allowing the practitioner to assess and correct the sacral motion to promote an easier labor for both parent and baby. Differential diagnoses will be explored including nuchal hands, asynclitic positioning and other less than optimal fetal positions so that the practitioner can differentiate between joint function and fetal position. Kristen is a Chiropractor, Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner, and Dynamic Body Balancing instructor for Dr. Carol Phillips. Dr. Hosaka is passionate about helping pregnant people balance their bodies to create an easier passage for babies into this world. She strives to make birth better for the dyad and to help prevent birth trauma and subluxation through balanced, physiological births. Since 2008, her chiropractic practice has focused on pregnancy and pediatrics and she has attended over 200 births and countless labors while in private practice in the suburbs of Fort Worth, TX.

In Observing Birth with Nicole Morales, gain confidence in how to assess labor progress in relationship to fetal descent using external visual, auditory, and tactile indicators. Using Spinning Babies®tenets, learn how to shift the paradigm beyond relying on cervical dilation. Nicole is a home birth midwife and co-author of The Breech Release: Opening Pathways to Midwifery and Prenatal Bodywork. She has been a Birthing from Within Mentor and integrates trauma-informed care into her practices, mentorships, and writings.

In the final session of this course, join “The Jiggle Pelvic Jiggling with Jenny Blyth” for a live jiggling session with a pregnant person modeling the ‘how’ and ‘whys’ of pelvic jiggling. This dynamic interaction will show the variations in how to touch, how to jiggle, where on the pelvis you do it, and why it is beneficial. 

Continuing Education:

This course provides four and a half (4.5) continuing education contact hours with American Nurse Credentialing Center (ANCC). Maternity House Publishing dba Spinning Babies® is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

Course Outcomes:

  1. Discuss how a biodynamic approach aligns with Spinning Babies® principles.
  2. Distinguish the Round Ligaments by their structure, their functions, and their anatomical origin and insertions.
  3. Demonstrate the Three Balances Forward-leaning Inversion and The Jiggle techniques for restoring balance to the round ligaments.
  4. Differentiate normal and abnormal motion of the sacrum in labor
  5. Describe the main limitation of using cervical dilation as the sole assessment for progress.


Refund Policy: All online course sales of Spinning Babies® are final. This item is not available for refund or return.


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