KFAI Radio today

Support our birth activists on International Womens’ Day! KFAI, 90.3 Minneapolis 11 am Cesarean Voices (Twin Cities Chapter of ICAN) 11:30 Midwives and Doulas (with Akhmiri Sekhr-Ra and Gail Tully and friends) Come visit the blog. Spinning Babies Blog. www.spinningbabies.com

Health System glitches, no insurance, no obstetrian…

Institute Sees More Americans Losing Insurance Click to read the entire article by Will Dunham WASHINGTON (Reuters) Feb 24 – More Americans will lose their health insurance as the economy weakens, health care becomes more expensive and fewer employers offer coverage, the U.S. Institute of Medicine said in a report Tuesday… An institute panel urged […]

Susan’s legislative update

Susan Lane for the MN Better Birth Coalition: “We have four bills, one almost done, one introduced but not heard and two in preparation. The one that passed the Senate today (SF 401) gives women in Minnesota hospitals the right to continuous doula from a certified doula of her choice; it’s expected to pass the […]

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.