March of Dimes Prevent Prematurity with Midwives & Lowering Induction

Medscape interviews Dr. Fleishman, expert from the March of Dimes, on the prevention of prematurity. The March of Dimes has gotten my respect these last 7 years for their prematurity prevention campaign. In the beginning, I used to muse, what we midwives could teach these folks. Well, someone else must have been thinking that same […]
Low Hormones and Posterior Babies!?

I’ve been promoting iodine in pregnancy for a couple years now. And didn’t even guess low thyroid levels could be related to posterior fetal position! I just had a hunch we were seeing more slow starts to labor, to the frustration of the mothers and to a point that didn’t seem like a simply gentle […]
Where Fear Is Seen as Competency

Another surge of gratitude for not having gone through the system. Read this insightful report of this test for an “OB” class. The blogger, I can’t see her name, compares a care plan for a woman who has a breech baby at the end of pregnancy. Of course, I’ve met many dozens of wonderful […]
Belly Mapping Problems

Women have contacted me lately with some frustrations doing Belly Mapping. (See Michelle’s comment to the previous post.) I haven’t been hearing the details of what the problem is, but it sounds like there is some confusion. I’d like to address that today. Belly Mapping becomes easier the later in pregnancy the mother attempts it.Here’s […]
Dynamic Body Balancing Weekend

Last weekend was really amazing. It started out with me having a meltdown into the magma of unworthiness. Forget “inadequate pelvis,” my head, my heart, my whole life sucked. Maybe being on such a steep learning curve curve with life was getting to me. I really lost my peace. Anyway, the Dynamic Body Balancing class […]