Spinning Babies on the Net

Its fun to come across references to SpinningBabies.com so I thought I’d share one with you. The links are from google… You spin me right round baby right round… – Hackney Birth Doula If you’ve got a little tinker in your tummy who isn’t responding to your daily cries of, ‘for Pete’s sake turn round’, […]
BellyraMa and Belly Painting

BellyraMA was glorious! 200 yoga mamas, pregnant and new, dads, doulas – and me! Painting bellies along the lake was bliss. The video is too small. “Throughout the day I have received such positive energy from people reacting to your painting – the energy flowing through me right now is incredible! I feel so grateful… […]
And so She Did!

I got to attend another little breechling yesterday as a doula with our beloved Dr. Denny. What a strong mama! Oh, my. She and her husband live in rural WI and at 38 weeks when her local OB told her that her baby was breech and he was scheduling a cesarean, she just knew that […]
Send More Belly Mapping Workbooks!

I love the sound of this:“…need more The Belly Mapping Workbooks.Sold the last one I had this morning” Writing connects many members of a community. I wrote to pregnant women and their doulas, and yes, to the young midwife. Our community is much broader! Certainly, educators, caregivers and grandmothers, yes; but also book sellers, photographers, […]
Breech Birth Comparison

Rae Davies sent along a breech birth link of a clinic birth shown on a NYtimes.com clip. She says about the Frank Breech Birth clip I posted in June, “Thank you for sharing this – it’s refreshing to see after I just watched a film by renowned NY Times Journalist and author of “Half the […]