After the External Cepahlic Version

After a breech is turned head down by the doctor in a manual, external cephalic version some babies end up with limbs over their head or similar mix up. Here’s a suggestion, To help resolve a compound presentation or twist, it is up to the mother if she wants to do the balancing work. An […]
Birth Detective: Why Didn’t My OP Baby Come Down? Part 3

This is Part 3, Read Part 1 to start from the Beginning, Read Part 2. Jessica processes her birth “Hi Gail, “I know I was at 0 station for sure. I will request my birth records as well to make sure. I have joined my local chapter of ICAN and have already found tremendous […]
Birth Detective: Why Didn’t My OP Baby Come Down? Part 2 of 3

This is part 2 of 3, Read Part 1 Jessica wrote back, “Hi Gail! Thank you SO much for responding.Your time and reply mean so much to me especially as I have been feeling down and out because I felt like “I wish I would have known he was OP etc. and I wish I would […]
Birth Detective: Why Didn’t My OP Baby Come Down? Part 1 of 3

Posterior presentation alone will not predict the course of labor. Posterior presenting babies can come within 3, 5, 24-hours, though some posterior labors take 36 hours or longer labors. Add tight or short muscles, or a small pelvic outlet, and delays and interventions increase. Spinning Babies take on the 3 Ps (Power, Passage, and Passenger) […]
Three P’s in a Pod

Especially the invention of artificial Pitocin birth providers have increasingly seen labor progress as a result of an opening cervix. After all, if we have a hammer, every thing looks like a nail. If we have a long labor, everything seems to be about the cervix not opening fast enough. The focus of labor progress […]