Don’t Say Posterior? Does Silence Serve?

Doulas and patient-centered providers of all types have a well-placed desire to protect a woman’s confidence to cope with childbirth. Birthworkers must navigate the topic of fetal position between a natural birth ideology and the medical research on posterior presentation. I didn’t say we have to choose between natural birth and research, mind you. […]
Spinning Babies® and High Blood Pressure and Pre Eclampsia

Success Story “Just had to share a success story with you. We had a 38 week induction for severe pre-eclampsia on the floor. She’d been on Pitocin for hours, was up to 22mu and still only 5cm, -3 or -4 station, head ballotable and seeming to be caught on the brim of the pelvis (with […]
Walk Proud After Birth! Mama, You Can Strut!

The timing was perfect, the product was something she could get behind, the deal was done! Then I heard about it and here is a product-based blog post to tell you about Mama Strut. Tammy Ryan was contacted by Jill Bigelow of Pelv-ICE right about the time she was enamored with the pelvic floor during […]