Four Restorative Techniques

pregnant woman and child listening to baby

While developing more finesse for our Spinning Babies® Parent Class, a delightful email arrives praising the benefit one woman received from the windmill exercise. This exercise is named after the lifting and rotating of our arms to achieve a nice stretch in our muscles and fascia between our lungs and ribs. Windmills adds a gentle stretch […]

Side-lying Release in a Case of Pre-Eclampsia


Spinning Babies® enthusiast Maíra Libertad, prominent midwife and midwife educator (and now Spinning Babies® Approved Trainer) in Rio de Janeiro just received a very beautiful story of Side-lying Release (SLR) success and felt that you would like to know! An OBGYN was taking care of the woman and told her this story in her words. […]

2020 World Confluence in Sunshine Coast, Australia

Spinning Babies 2020 World Confluence October 16-18, 2020 Join us in Caloundra, on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia for a confluence of birth and body work through the view of Spinning Babies® The Spinning Babies approach offers enrichment to all settings and practice values.Presentations by Spinning Babies® Approved Trainers and Gail Tully as well […]

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.