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Help! I Want to Avoid Induction

A woman wrote in seeking advice on how to avoid induction at 41 weeks pregnant.

Hello Gail,
I appreciate that you probably receive many emails and completely understand that you do not have the time to respond directly to everybody. Even if you don’t get the chance to respond I would like to thank you for the highly informative detail on your website, which has already provided me with some hope for the coming week.
I am currently 41 weeks and 4 days pregnant, and have the time pressure of an impeding induction. My dates are accurate and match up with the ultrasound dates. My baby has been almost always ROP throughout my pregnancy, at 38 weeks [baby] changed to ROA and at the same time engaged to 1/5 down, [baby] stayed ROA for next 3 weeks and continued to drop to 2/5 down. However, in my appointment today the baby has moved back to ROP and is now her head is not in my pelvis at all. In fact her head is above the pubic bone. I am 1cm dilated with no signs of impeding labour (no cramps, show etc. etc.). This is my first baby.
From reading your website I wonder if the change in her position has resulted in her head coming out of the pelvis. I have been advised to do a lot of walking and rotations on the gym ball etc. to try and bring her head down as much as possible before Thursday. Although I am wondering if I should be working on exercised to get her more LOA rather so that she engages naturally.
I realise I have little time but want to try what I can … as I am terrified that I will end up having to have a C-section.
Your website is very clear on the exercises to be used to encourage engagement and to move from a posteria position – I suppose I am just wondering considering the time restraints which is the best option for me both over the next few days and also whilst in labour after they have applied the gel. Thank you.

Dear [Pregnant Mama],
Thank you for imbuing your email with sweetness and understanding about time! But it’s your time, too, and your baby’s! So, please try the sidelying release on both sides, using the instructions carefully. I agree, if your baby came up higher it may be because the baby is trying to rotate to LOA/T or, your baby found less room below as your lower uterine segment may have reduced space there due to muscle tension or a short ligament. Likely both are true as the lower uterine segment gets “crowded,” babies come up and would like to rotate if the round ligaments in front allow room to do it.
Getting the baby to engage now in ROP may or may not address your goals. If you are a first-time mother (and you are) engagement in ROP isn’t ideal for labor progress later. If you have given birth easily before (for some of our readers), especially during 2nd stage, engagement in a posterior position may not prevent vaginal birth or even a slow down, esp when your body is balanced. But for some women engaging a posterior baby isn’t a good thing.
But, then how do you get labor to start on its own by 42 weeks? Add balance, seek to help baby to the left.
Labor contractions may be the necessary ingredient to get baby to rotate. That is more common today that it was 5 years ago, perhaps due to soil depletion? I don’t know, more sitting and driving in our society?
Bodywork is often useful as can be professional Chinese acupuncture.
Homeopathics can also be effective, you may need to consult a homeopath such as Homeopathic Medicines for Pregnancy and Childbirth as well as find a good homeopathic Pregnancy practitioner.
I suppose you found the “Induction?” page on my site and have read what is in Start/InPregnancy and Start/InLabor.
On the other hand, I’ve been with many induced women and there is a way to take it slow, add massage, calm music, touch, and laughter, a rebozo sifting, and have a “natural” labor in other ways, meaning no need for an epidural for many, but not all, of these women. Motivation and the best response to the Pitocin are part of making it through without other meds. A doula is key, a doula who has lots of experience with “natural” comfort measures during inductions.
So much love to you and your baby. I hope you keep a perspective of love and practicality through this.
Peace is an action,
Gail Tully

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