The 5 Steps to Birth Happiness

We all get emails promising the 5 steps to financial wellbeing or life’s little happiness habits. Let’s try finding 5 steps to birth happiness and see how we do. The house is quiet; the rhythm of your baby’s sucking lulls you into a reflective mood. (Finally, after 8 weeks you can feed your first baby […]
My Friend Willma’s Third Homebirth

Thanks for sharing, Willma! I loved being a moment of celebration early in your journey. Your baby is strong and as gorgeous as your other children! The following pictures are of our Belly Painting in England last June (2014). I wish you great love and every prosperity in family, joy, and service! Gail adding Willma’s […]
The Fantastic Four

There are four mutually supportive “Body Balance” techniques that a pregnant person and their trusted support person or provider can do to prepare for a gentler birth. In the new Spinning Babies’ Parent Class each technique is thoroughly demonstrated with a pregnant person and their support person. Here is the Fantastic Four: 1. The Jiggle […]