Email If You Have Questions

Some of you post your question on my Inversion blog and I missed someone’ s post until after her due date. Please email me instead Gail @ Spinning Babies Dot Com. Fix the address according to the address need. Come visit the blog. Spinning Babies Blog.
Organic Birth Movie

Congratulations, Debra Pascali-Bonaro on Going Green Angie and I will be selling Organic Birth at the LAMAZE ICEA CONFERENCE in Milwaukee, WI this coming weekend! Our Spinning Babies exhibit will offer both Organic Birth, 57 minutes, $19.99 and Orgasmic Birth, 72 minutes, $29.99 at this special conference pricing. ORGANIC BIRTH is a tighter, 52-minute updated […]
Blasting Oxytocin at a Baby’s Brain Desensitizes the Brain to Love

Midwifery Today publishes the answer: Questioning Oxytocin Dr. Odent, a leading visionary and leading voice in normal voice, “The most common medical intervention is undoubtedly the use of drips of synthetic oxytocin. … the rates of labor inductions are very high in many countries and, in practice, labor induction implies hours of intravenous drip. “One […]
Breech Elephant Born

Elephants also have a doula with them during birth. A smart zookeeper knows this. A breech baby elephant was born with the help of doula-elephant Num-Oi in the Melbourne, AUS zoo. I remember hearing about and watching Raja’s birth in the St. Louis zoo some years ago. His mother was in a long labor until […]
Illinois Tyranny Again

Illinois may be the most dangerous place for a baby to be born at home. State agents, in this case social workers, assume their views supersede parent rights when the doctors and hospital social workers are upset about birth choices. Here’s an attachment parenting view by Alicia Bayer, Mankato writer: Baby born via homebirth taken […]
Optimal Fetal Positioning Gaining Popularity

birth is in bloom.: on optimal fetal positioning.: “A woman I work with asked me yesterday what I know about fetal positioning. She is 38 weeks pregnant. I palpated her belly, but had to admit…” More doulas and midwives are posting more on optimal fetal positioning And mothers, too! Here’s one after my own heart! […]
State Fair Fun and Another Painted Belly!

Come visit the blog. Spinning Babies Blog.
The Wax Melted – Home Birth Is Safe

The British Medical Journalexposes the Wax et. al. Meta-Analysiswhich wrongly claimedthat there were more deathsat homebirthsand wrongly concluded that “the triple infant mortality” was due to the fewer interventions happeningat homebirth. Betty-Anne Daviss, Co-author of BMJ’s report involving homebirths, says, …the Wax et al. publication was bad academia, go to There are more and […]