As you progress further into your pregnancy, you’ve likely read some books, considered or completed childbirth education, and learned a few new things. Most importantly, you’re likely becoming more confident in your own heart about your preferences when it comes to birth care. How is your midwife’s or doctor’s care resonating with you? We discussed the specifics of choosing your care provider and building your birth team in Week 9 and Week 15, so feel free to revisit those details, especially if you’re new to Spinning Babies®.
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If you feel unclear, check out the 12 Steps to Safe and Respectful MotherBaby-Family Maternity Care by the International Childbirth Initiative (ICI) or the Rights of Childbearing Women by Childbirth Connection. Then, consider the following:
Communication can feel difficult, especially in a relationship where you might feel the care provider has more power or information than you. Remember, this is a reciprocal relationship. Your care provider is part of your team — not an adversary. After attempting to communicate any questions you have, know that it is rarely too late to switch care providers, if that feels right to you. Sometimes we hear things like, “Well, I’ll just stick with this person this time and consider different choices next time.” If your heart points in a different direction now, why wait? You’ll birth this baby just once. Listen to your intuition.
List one thing you need for your birth that is hard to ask for.
Then ask for it.
Practice with a friend or in front of the mirror. Write it out in a friendly way.
Be willing to talk with your provider about it. Your needs are important and you get to state them.
Brain activity shows that babies can now dream and control body temperature. The skeleton continues hardening, absorbing about 250 milligrams of calcium each day, so eat those calcium-rich greens, yogurt, and red raspberry leaf tea. Your baby weighs about 2.6 pounds and measures between 15 and 17 inches long.
In some ways, the third trimester mirrors the first: You might notice an increase in trips to the toilet again, while the hormone prolactin (which stimulates milk production) can bring back that nappish feeling. Follow what your body needs, but stay active. Work up to three miles of walking daily, if you haven’t already, knowing that it’ll help boost your energy, keep you healthy through this final trimester, and help you walk confidently into your birthing day!
Affirmations are short, powerful statements that can affect your conscious thoughts. Close your eyes, breathe deeply and slowly, and repeat the following to yourself each day throughout the next week. Fill yourself with breath and feel the joy:
For additional education to even further enhance your pregnancy and labor preparation, shop our extensive collection of digital downloads, videos, DVDs, workbooks, and more.
Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.