15 Weeks

A partner may wonder how a doula would help during labor, with concern about whether the doula might replace their role. Actually, a good doula enhances a partner’s involvement by helping both the birthing person and the partner feel more calm, confident, and supported. To understand how, let’s compare the roles of doula and partner.

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A birth doula is a companion who is very familiar with childbirth. The doula is like a childbirth educator, objective listener, and personal assistant wrapped into one. The doula learns what the pregnant person wants during pregnancy and strategizes individualized help for comfort and coping and reminders of all the tips and tricks learned during childbirth education classes. The doula does not make medical decisions or give opinions, but they can help the birthing family ask good questions of medical staff and make sure they understand their options.
Doulas typically meet with families at length prenatally, at least twice. This gives the doula knowledge of both yours and your partner’s fears, joys, and hopes surrounding the birth. During birth, the doula stays with you no matter how long or short your labor is and does not change shifts the way nurses and some care providers do. When you hire a doula, you hire a champion for you — someone who sticks with you no matter what.

Numerous studies show that continuous labor support improves outcomes for birthing parents and babies, including an increased likelihood of vaginal birth and shorter labors. The presence of a trained doula may also decrease the chances of cesarean birth, instrumental vaginal birth, pain medication use, and negative feelings about the birthing experience.

The partner knows the pregnant person best and offers intimate support. Often, intimacy is what the birthing person needs most from their partner — to simply feel their presence, affection, and support. The loving arms of the partner are often in use for hugging, holding, and rubbing limbs and back. The partner often benefits from a doula’s suggestions of how to best help their loved one. There is room for both the doula (birth expert) and partner (love).

Seek a mature doula that respects the choices you’ll make for your birth. It’s important the doula knows how to nurture your primary relationships. The doula is able to come forward or sit back as needed, so that others who are supporting you have their time to shine. The doula certifying organization called DONA is a great place to begin your doula search. Spinning Babies® considers The Birth Partner, by Penny Simkin, an essential read for partners.

This Week
1Spinning Babies® Activity of the Week
Weekly Affirmation

Affirmations are short, powerful statements that can affect your conscious thoughts. Close your eyes, breathe deeply and slowly, and repeat the following to yourself each day throughout the next week. Fill yourself with breath and feel the joy:

“I am creating a birth team that fully supports me and my baby.”

Affirmations are short, powerful statements that can affect your conscious thoughts. Close your eyes, breathe deeply and slowly, and repeat the following to yourself each day throughout the next week. Fill yourself with breath and feel the joy:

“My baby and I enjoy the physiology of being fully human.”

Spinning Babies®

Doulas enjoy the Spinning Babies® Workshop where they learn how to help support favorable positions for you and baby to ease birth. Send your doula a link to Spinning Babies® Workshops at SpinningBabies.com/Events/.

Spinning Babies® Parent Class video makes a great gift for your doula as well as education to protect your desire for a vaginal birth.



  1. http://www.cochrane.org/CD003766/PREG_continuous-support-women-during-childbirth
  2. De Vries, J. I., Visser, G. H., & Prechtl, H. F. (1982). The Emergence of Fetal Behaviour. I. Qualitative aspects. Early human development, 7(4), 301-322.

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.