The Evidence Base

When I speak in Academia I’m asked if my approach is evidence based. Its funny because first I’m invited. The nurses, like a nurse named Nancy, tell me how excited they are that I’m coming. They share their goals for integrating the approach into the hospital and share their dreams of spreading the solutions to […]
VBAC Support Valentine’s Day 2013

From a Pregnant Woman hoping for VBAC I am 37 years old and am about to give birth for the second time (I’m at 39 weeks, 2 days). Thank you so much for your website because I have been reading it and practicing your techniques for optimum baby positioning throughout my pregnancy. And it has […]
Taking Calls for Breech

The phone is ringing today. Four calls about breech births. The first was a doctor friend who heard a rumor of a bad outcome to a homebirth baby. Did an inexperienced midwife go too far? A Pediatrician told her the baby left NICU with “neurological problems that would last their whole life.” Noting the time […]
Can Breech Twins Be Helped to Flip Head Down?

Resolution of a Twin Breech Presentation with the Application of Webster and Diversified Chiropractic Technique A case study of a mama with breech twins. Read the article at Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health Chiropractic . Danita Thomas Heagy, D.C.Bio & Shawn Wrubel, D.C. Bio Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health – Chiropractic ~ […]